The 5 Ds technique is a well known tool that can be used to recover from a variety of addictions or habits that we want to change. Here is my version for times when you are aware that you are not hungry and may be craving certain foods*.

The "Five Ds" are: Delay, Distract, Drink Water, Deep Breathing and Discuss**.

  • Delay: As you realize that a craving is coming up, try not to respond immediately. Give yourself a 5-minute delay and then another 5. Cravings are difficult, but they usually pass fairly quickly. Give yourself 5 to 15 minutes and begin practicing one or more of the other 4 Ds below.

  • Distract: Distract yourself by redirecting your mind and to shifting your attention away from thoughts of the craving. Be mindful that food ads on TV can physiologically awaken appetite for fast foods shown. When you feel most vulnerable to feel cravings, make sure to manage your exposure to TV ads. Try doing immersive tasks like crossword puzzle instead, or sewing, spelling bee games, or brief journal entries.

  • Drink Water: Many times the body needs hydration and we may misinterpret that by craving carbohydrates. You may want to practice mindful hydration by redirecting the brain's attention to the trajectory of the water in your mouth and down your throat as you swallow it.

  • Deep Breathing: Try practicing mindful breathing with longer exhales. Notice the air entering your nostrils. Invite your abdominal area to be relaxed. Notice the lower sides of your ribs, the last ribs closest to your hips, expanding sideways as you inhale like wings. Little by little increase your feeling of calmness by making the exhale twice the length of the inhale. Gently invite your belly button in as you empty your lungs completely, and then relax the abdominal area again before you breathe in.

  • Discuss: Discuss your cravings with someone you trust. This will bring surprising revelations that will come from within you that are brought up to the surface by talking to a friend. Remember, if you feel an urge to eat when you are not hungry, you are not alone , many of us experience that from time to time. A friend may also have an insight to share.

The Key to Keep Freedom Going:

To avoid cravings and emotional eating on the long-term one needs metabolic stability. Stable blood sugar, happen when we have a robust protein and fat intake. Avoiding naked carbs is another key component, which means always having carbs in combination with fat and protein. Lastly aligning the carb intake with your exercise intensity and duration is key. Yes, you can consider having less carbohydrate in the days that you exercise less!

