Ironically what makes the pandemic possibly more serious than SARS1 is the fact that people can be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms and still be carriers for the virus. It looks like this is the single most difference and reason for it spreading so fast and widely.

As we get to know more about the new COVID-19 situation, I have been receiving requests to post a summary of my thoughts to help support us to feel safer and clearer.

Here is what you need to know to prepare to make decisions and stay safe:


The name of the virus is SARS-COV-2, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2. The disease is called COVID-19. The portal that the virus uses to go into the cell is a receptors called ACE2 (Angiotensin 2). Once attached to the cell the virus causes a collapse of that cell creating immune response and symptoms.

Ironically what makes the pandemic possibly more serious than SARS1 is the fact that people can be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms and still be carriers for the virus. It looks like this is the single most difference and reason for it spreading so fast and widely.

Also, for those with lung issues, the speed in which there is respiratory collapse and need for hospitalization may be faster compared with the common flu.

People without chronic diseases, non smokers, and those with a strong immune system may be able to overcome COVID-19 without needing hospital care, but it is too early to confirm if this is correct. THE PROBLEM in this case is that these individuals that may be feeling well may be carriers of the virus. Since it is highly transmissible, a carrier can affect vulnerable people who can be infected and be hospitalized.

People who test positive for COVID-19 or with symptoms, should practice isolation and seek medical care ASAP.

There has been enough evidence that the BIGGEST ISSUE AND SINGULAR DIFFERENCE with the current coronavirus disease is that people can have the virus and be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. SARS-COV-2 is highly transmissible, and people with of virus with mild symptoms or no symptoms are largely the cause of it spreading so fast and so widely around the world.

In the past SARS-1 flu epidemic, people would most of the time get very sick no matter who it was, which made people naturally self-isolate and receive treatment, and the virus was contained relatively quickly.


The ACE2 receptors are not as present in the sinus area as they are in the GI tract, lungs and heart. That is the reason why the first symptoms will not be a runny nose or congestion, but rather a sore throat or cough, combined with mild fever. After that, the next place impacted by the virus may be the lungs.

In the lungs the cells called Type 2 Pneumocyte have the ACE2 receptors which serves as a linkage for the COV-2 virus to attach to the cell. The Type 2 Pneumocyte cell when attacked by the virus stops producing the soap-like pulmonary fluid that it is meant to keep the alveoli in the lungs flexible. Under viral attack the alveoli in the bronchial tree become hardened, in a state of fibrosis, that is why COVID-19 patients experience difficulty breathing, and chest pressure/pain.

Influenza and other viral infections also have similar mechanism as I just described, but in respect to COV-2 virus, it seems that it acts fairly aggressively and faster in patients with compromised immune system, and we have been seeing serious blood clotting cases as well. There is much more to discover and I will continue to study and keep posting updates.

After the virus reaches the lungs, there is a systemic immune reaction, with higher fevers, as well as sinus congestion. Tiredness and body ache can be present from the beginning or in later stages.


Those with decreased immune function have greater risk of experiencing complications and need hospitalization. These individuals are:

  • Elders in general.

  • People of any age with asthma, bronchitis or other lung condition.

  • Individuals with autoimmune disease.

  • People with high blood pressure and diabetes.

  • Smokers of any age.

  • Other unknown risk factors that have not yet been identified.


A characteristic of COVID-19 that is different that the common flu is that the the lung cells of people with weaker immune system or chronic disease are affected faster. These patients will require hospital care and possibly a respirator at a much faster rate than if they had caught the usual flu.


In theory yes., but it is unknown at this point. I recommend that assumptions are not made based on our experience with influenza. Additionally, these coronavirus are known for going through genetic mutations overtime.


Wear a mask. Including if you have been vaccinated. Change or wash masks daily.

As of July 2021, most people in the world have not been vaccinated and can contract covid and possibly die. Vaccinated individuals can also contract covid without symptoms and spread to unvaccinated people.

So far, everyone has been agreeing that wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand washing are the three best practices to contain the pandemic.

Because we don’t have enough information on the virus, its mutations and the disease, it is best to be prudent so that we and the ones around us are not at risk.



Many of us at one time or another have some low grade chronic inflammation. This is due to our fast paced lifestyle, excess intake of refined omega 6 industrial oils from fast foods, sugar, poor sleep and stress.

To face the flu season in better shape, now is the time to prioritize lowering our inflammatory levels . It may be inevitable that many of us will contract the SARS-COV-2 virus but if we are strong we may not have the COVID-19 disease.

Raising omega 3 rich foods and consuming omega 6 from whole foods can be a way to decrease inflammation in the body. Not only omega 3 (EPA and DHA) contribute to decrease inflammation. The arachidonic acid in Omega 6 from whole foods such as avocados are also a key and necessary partner of omega 3 in the resolution of inflammation. You can have a great start in decreasing inflammation by:

  • Consuming about 2 pounds of fatty fish per week. Best choices are salmon, anchovies and sardines.

  • Discontinuing consumption of fried fast food, unless fried in animal fat or coconut oil.

  • Include high quality fish oil with high DHA if you don’t have access to fish.

  • Drink plenty of water since the virus will have better chances to thrive and cause infection if your throat is dry.

  • Ensure you sleep with your mouth closed to avoid dryness in which the virus can thrive. You may experiment with mouth taping. Special tapes are sold for this purpose. If you are tracking sleep with Oura ring, ensure that you are having good levels of REM sleep, which can be helpful to our mental fitness and general health anytime and especially in times of crisis and during a pandemic.

  • Consume liver or cod liver oil to keep your vitamin A and D on point for a strong immune system.

  • One of the single best strategies is to consume fermented vegetables that include garlic, such as Kimchi. The probiotics in kimchi, will directly and quickly improve gut health and immunity. The garlic has antiviral properties and it has been used for hundreds of years. Consuming fermented vegetables with most meals everyday to a point that it becomes a habits, a great way to make a meaningful difference in our immunity.

  • Eat a whole foods diet that agrees with your body. You know if dairy or gluten don’t work for you and avoid them if that is the case.

  • Avoid foods that are highly processed, and that contain omega 6 concentrated industrial seed oils such as canola, soy bean, corn and peanut oil, as well as high fructose corn syrup.

  • Alcohol can be abrasive to the gut and drastically weaken the immune system. Remember this, make the best choices, noting that if you become sick, others around you can also suffer.

  • Do your best not to eat alone. Eat with others, if you can laugh and enjoy your food as much as possible. This makes digestion and absorption much more successful.


First of all, no supplement can overcompensate for a weak immune system.

However, it is possible to eliminate much of the viral load in the mouth and throat where the COV-2 virus uses as its entry point. This can be done via applying the correct form and dosage of zinc lozenges. Correct zinc lozenge supplementation has been shown to shorten or dissipate the common cold process. ZINC SUPPLEMENTATION POSES RISKS, amongst them Copper deficiency. Please follow label directions and speak with your doctor before beginning any supplementation protocol.

Currently in the United States I only know of one Zinc product that fits the criteria illustrated in the studies below. It does not have fillers that dampen zinc’s ionizing action, and has the correct form of Zinc Acetate large enough (more than 18mg) to stay in the mouth for more than 30 minutes. Many people have reported success with this zinc product. It has significantly shortened, or prevented the disease from taking its course.

These lozenges are not to be understood as zinc capsules or tablets that you swallow. I will be publishing a separate post describing the differences, the ionizing mechanism behind zinc’s efficacy as an antiviral, and why most lozenges do not work.

In case you are able to order LE Enhanced Zinc Lozenges, ensure not chew on it so that it stays in your mouth for at least 30 minutes, and that you do not eat or drink for another 15 minutes after the lozenge has dissolved.

Studies on Zinc lozenges 1, 2, 3

Update March 13, 2020: My recommended Life Extension Enhanced Zinc Lozenges is due to be re-stocked by the end of March.

NOTE: No affiliations. I only list products that I have used personally and have had positive clinical experience in my practice. They are not part of a recommendation.

My take on Vitamin C, A, D, K2, E, as far as cold prevention are as follows:

  • If you are deficient in the vitamins above, supplementation will boost your immune system, if you are not deficient, they may still provide some boost, but it varies from person to person.

  • Cod liver oil, or eating 6oz of liver per week is one safe way to keep vitamins A and D status on point on the long-term.

Remember that there are risks to vitamin supplementation long-term. Speak with your doctor before beginning any supplementation protocol.


EXERCISE moderately, do not push yourself since there is an added collective stress at the moment that may impair your recovery. Examples:

  • Daily vigorous yoga flow at 70 to 80% of cardio capacity for 20 minutes.

  • Daily 10 minutes of stretching and deep breathing.

  • Two to four times per week: 20 minutes of weight bearing exercises.

  • Most importantly add NEPA (non-exercise physical activity) to your day seven days a week. Good NEPA activities can be:

    • Working at a standing desk.

    • Alternating with sitting on a large fit ball

    • Set an alarm to stretch for 2 minutes every hour.

    • Keep a kettlebell nearby and do a few reps of swings or snatches throughout the day

    • Place a push up bar at one of the doors in your home or office and use it twice a day.


Many of us may be experiencing different levels of anxiety or fear, and it is ok. Evolutionarily these emotions exist to help us to stay safe. You can contemplate:

Acknowledging stress emotions.

Saying: thank you for trying to protect me. I am ok for now.

Give the emotions a safe place where they will rest. You can relate to them again with compassion in this manner whenever you need.


After acknowledging and thanking the stressful emotions, you may want to sit comfortably or stand in stillness and:

  • Pay attention to the senses of hearing, by listening to sounds around you and perceiving the farthest sound you can hear up until the closest sound to you, such as the air coming in and out of your nostrils.

  • Observe your skin and the touch of the air, wind or clothing on your face and your shoulders.

  • With your eyes closed observe the place in between your eyebrows and notice any color or light or darkness present there.

  • Let your breath be natural and remember what you are grateful for.

Let us know your thoughts below and use this community as you need to ask for information and for support.

